2007/2014 Vans RV-6 (O-320) – $74,950
This 2007/2014 Vans RV-6 has 508 total time on the airframe and 1,454 hours SMOH on the Lycoming O-320 engine. Originally built and certified in Canada in 2007 with a Chevy V6 engine, it was imported to the U.S. in 2013 with 77 hours TT and converted to a Lycoming O-320 using a new Vans FF7 firewall-forward kit and new cowl for a clean, professional installation.
Equipped with a Sterba prop, KY97A COM, KT76 transponder, and VFR day/night capability. Manual flaps and trim, vortex generators, strobes, and no damage history (NDH). Always hangared and well-maintained.
Located in northern Idaho (S65). Aircraft trades considered.
For more information, contact Johnny Smith at Sport Aviation Services, LLC in Lucedale, MS, at (601) 947-9240.